Project dialog box
In this page, you can add or remove projects and its elements.

This box lists registered projects.
Add a project.
Removes the selected project. You cannot remove the default project.
Moves up the selected project. The default project cannot be moved.
Moves down the selected project The default project cannot be moved.
Specifies the description of the selected project, which will be shown on the menu item. You cannot change the title of the default project.
Add (File)
Add a specific file into current project. This command presents File Selection dialog box.
Remove (File)
Remove the selected file from current project.
Up (File)
Moves up the selected file.
Down (File)
Moves down the selected file.
Sorts the file list by name order.
Opens the selected file.
Files per column
Use this option to display project menu in multiple columns if the number of files exceeds the specified value. This option is useful when there are so many files in a project that the menu cannot fit to the height of the screen.
User tool group
Use this option to associate a user tool to the project. When you select the project this user tool group is also selected automatically.
FTP account
Use this option to associate an FTP account to the project. When you select the project this FTP account is also selected automatically.
Select the FTP group that contains desired FTP account.
Show project name on the title bar
Use this option to display current project name on the Title Bar.